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Consumer Risk Protection

Take a proactive approach to combating account takeover with SpyCloud’s Consumer Risk Protection – identify your customers’ darknet exposures and stop high-risk attacks tied to malware


Protect customer accounts from identity threats

Criminals are increasingly motivated to exploit consumers’ poor cyber hygiene and discover new ways to profit from account takeovers – both the traditional use of breached credentials to log into customer accounts and emerging, sophisticated techniques like session hijacking. But businesses need to think bigger; they need to act on the holistic exposure of their consumers’ identities across their many online personas in breaches, malware infections, and phishing attacks. For the average consumer, that may be hundreds of passwords, stolen cookies, and PII. Only SpyCloud can deliver these comprehensive insights automatically so you can take appropriate action.

With SpyCloud, your customers’ exposures don’t have to affect your business’ productivity or bottom line.

fraud loss

Enforce strong passwords at account creation & identify compromised users at login to protect accounts

operational efficiency

Automate ATO prevention efforts to decrease the need for manual intervention

hidden risks

Prevent MFA bypass by prioritizing malware threats and invalidating stolen web sessions

These days, your customers’ credentials are stolen and instantly used.

It’s time we fight back.

Seamless ATO prevention for secure consumer experiences – automated and built to scale with the evolving threat landscape

When up against criminal attacks, application security teams trust SpyCloud’s data to deliver alerts for exposed accounts, malware-infected users, and vulnerable sessions used to bypass robust security measures – including MFA and even passkeys. A simple check against the world’s largest repository of recaptured data can save your customer – and by extension your business – from fraud losses.

Proactive ATO prevention

Reduce the risk of account takeover attacks by checking for credential exposures at account creation, login, or overnight for quick remediation – mitigating potential financial losses for both the customer and your organization.

Combat session hijacking

Once a customer becomes infected with infostealer malware, high-value authentication data – including session cookies – are harvested immediately. By leveraging anti-detection tools, criminals can seamlessly emulate a trusted user’s device without raising red flags.

Stop this next generation ATO by identifying and invalidating stolen authentication cookies that bypass not only the need for passwords, but also passkeys or any form of MFA.

Benefit Improve Employee Productivity

Improve employee productivity

Alleviate time and resources dedicated to darknet data collection, curating, and password cracking by leveraging insights from the world’s largest and most actionable collection of recaptured data.

Automate ATO prevention efforts from password resets to enhanced authentication measures for vulnerable accounts, and flag malware-infected consumers for increased scrutiny – in turn decreasing the need for review of low risk users and allowing analysts to prioritize and investigate riskier interactions.


SpyCloud identity threat protection solutions put the power back in your hands to prevent cyberattacks.

Consumer Risk Protection

Strengthen account security and reduce account takeover

Stop session hijacking by securing your consumers’ accounts

Proactively scan issued credit cards for dark web compromise to prevent fraud

Unmask criminals attempting to harm your customers

Empowering security teams to act on what matters

Seamlessly integrating into your site, application, and existing tools SpyCloud provides only the most actionable data – at-risk identities deserving of enhanced authentication or remediation.

Proactive security measures at account creation

Enforce strong password policies by incorporating breach data into existing new account security requirements/protocols. Prevent new customers from reusing exact credentials combinations at account creation that have been previously exposed in a breach to reduce the risk of credential stuffing attacks and improve their overall security hygiene.

Detect customer risk at login

Operationalize SpyCloud using our high volume, rest-based APIs to check for exposures tied to your user’s email address, IP address, phone numbers, usernames, or a combination of both.

Balance security and user experience for customers at risk of ATO by identifying if, when, and how many times a user has appeared in a breach, and if their plaintext password for your site matches one previously compromised, to tailor the customer journey appropriately.

Detect malware infected customers

Identify and flag victims of infostealer malware at account creation, login, or during routine customer database scanning. Prioritize these high-risk accounts and tailor the customer journey accordingly, whether that be step-up authentication, automated password resets, blocked transactions, or simply increased scrutiny.

Automate security checks and expedite investigations

Where you implement SpyCloud’s APIs in your workflow is totally customizable. Whether it’s at account login for an active user or called on a frequent basis to assess exposures for inactive users, SpyCloud can return up to 200+ data asset types per user – even providing counts of exposures, recency, severity, breach details, or PII exposed – all of which can be used in decision making.

Protect account integrity and prevent authentication bypass

SpyCloud monitors malware logs for stolen session cookies tied to your domain that were exfiltrated from a user’s browser and can be used to hijack accounts. Once alerted to a malware-infected user, your business can invalidate any active sessions, preventing criminal access and requiring legitimate users to forgo additional authentication measures to regain access and protect their account.


Trying to imagine your cost savings?

See how SpyCloud can help your business reduce fraud losses, customer churn, and lower operational costs


Use cases for every scenario

Achieving breadth and scale is simple with SpyCloud – with solutions that align to critical business initiatives, delivering outcomes that protect, secure, and prevent.

Stay ahead of account takeover and targeted attacks by detecting and resetting compromised passwords before criminals have a chance to use them
Dramatically increase the accuracy and speed of investigations by identifying correlating details to create a full profile of an actor and their accounts
Experience the power of recaptured data + automated remediation for unrivaled protection from dark web threats
Streamline consumer account security to prevent fraud losses with risk insights based on breach and malware data recaptured from the criminal underground
Prevent unauthorized access of consumer sessions and critical workforce applications
Optimize your testing efforts with accurate, enriched data from the criminal underground

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