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Increase SecOps efficacy with the power of Cybercrime Analytics

Uncover the power of automated analytics to maximize your security posture – with seamless integration into your existing tech stack so SecOps teams can secure employee identities and safeguard corporate data and critical IP from cyberattacks.

The ultimate tool to fight cybercrime for the modern SOC

Threat intel is commoditized, and often more work with little reward. SecOps teams want to work smarter, not harder. SpyCloud’s Cybercrime Analytics offers a next-gen solution compared to legacy threat intel – with fresh, quality data that is validated, actionable, and ready for automation within SOC workflows.

Automate operations

Infinitely actionable analytics on compromised employee identities – with fluid interoperability to enable automation of security workflows in the SOC, and beyond

High fidelity alerts

Alerts that you actually want more of – with actionable insights and dynamic alert prioritization that reduces the burden for SecOps teams

Remediate with confidence

Identity-centric correlation that goes beyond the device – enabling swift remediation of compromised credentials across devices, applications, and users

Safeguard your business from darknet exposures

Strengthen cyber resilience and implement a Post-Infection Remediation framework to boost incident response and mitigate your risk of ransomware attacks, account takeover, session hijacking, and breaches.

Eliminate guesswork

Quality data and comprehensive analytics that have been de-duped, normalized, and enriched help your team efficiently triage and mitigate events. Reduce discovery and dwell time and allow for more effective response times to protect your organization from account takeover, ransomware and other identity-driven cyberattacks.

Complete risk visibility

Automatically discover newly compromised data on the darknet from both third-party breaches and infostealer infections. Continuously monitor for exposed credentials across your enterprise with customized watchlists to track domains, IPs, email addresses, and more.

Reduce exposure time

Instantly become alerted to exposures as they appear and correlate the impact of infection to fully mitigate any vulnerabilities and proactively prevent account takeover and ransomware.

Accelerate investigations

Draw on the world’s largest collection of recaptured data – digital breadcrumbs that swiftly de-anonymize adversaries and tie them to their crimes.

SpyCloud offers out-of-the-box API integrations with top technology vendors across SIEM, SOAR, XDR, TIPs and more – delivering Cybercrime Analytics at scale for analysis, detection, remediation and automated workflows.

Learn more about our extended support of vendors

The new way to fight cybercrime

SpyCloud turns the tables by making darknet data work for you. We detect when your employee and customer credentials, cookies, PII and other critical stolen assets are in the hands of cybercriminals and automate remediation to reduce your risk of cyberattacks.

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Experience the new way to fight cybercrime

Meet SpyCloud at Black Hat — Booth #4424!   Book a meeting →

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