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Combating Fraud from Stolen Cookies

Introducing SpyCloud Session Identity Protection

Malware stealer logs showing the variety of information that can be siphoned from malware-infected devices.

Threat actors using stolen credentials often face the challenge of bypassing multi-factor authentication (MFA), device ID checks, and browser fingerprinting anti-fraud technologies. But in recent years, criminals have learned how to bypass these protections by relying on “anti-detect” browsers that can emulate a legitimate user’s trusted device and browser fingerprint. These tools are powered by a constant stream of malware infections that steal credentials, session cookies and other browser data – all available for sale on the criminal marketplaces.

We’re excited to introduce a new solution that expands our ability to help enterprises prevent fraud tied to malware: SpyCloud Session Identity Protection. It offers early warning of malware-infected consumers whose compromised web session cookies appear in botnet logs recaptured by SpyCloud, and are therefore at extreme risk of costly, difficult-to-detect fraud.

This webinar explains how:

  • Anti-detect browsers + malware data enable criminals to bypass existing fraud controls
  • Our new product flags consumers infected with malware sometimes well before their credentials on your site are even stolen
  • Early Session Identity Protection customers are reacting to SpyCloud’s alerts of their consumers’ compromised cookies

View the Webinar

Trusted by market leaders

With 500+ customers around the world, including more than half of the Fortune 10, SpyCloud is the leader in operationalizing Cybercrime Analytics to protect businesses.

We’re on a mission to make the internet a safer place by disrupting the criminal underground. Together with our customers, we aim to stop criminals from profiting off stolen data.

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The SpyCloud 2025 Annual Identity Exposure Report is in orbit. 🚀 Read the full report here >>