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Identity Theft 101

What it is, how it happens, and how to prevent it
Identity Theft 101
Identity theft means that your personal and confidential information has been stolen and is being used without your permission to apply for lines of credit, make purchases, and commit other types of fraud.

Identity theft is skyrocketing worldwide, fueled by so many tactics that even security professionals can’t keep up.

Are you a target? The short answer is yes. Everyone’s personal data is worth something to fraudsters.

SpyCloud worked with the Communications Fraud Control Association (CFCA) to create Identity Theft 101, a consumer education document that describes:

  • How identity theft happens
  • Tips for reducing your risk
This asset is free to download. Simply click the link to access the PDF directly.

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Identity Theft 101
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Trusted by market leaders

With 500+ customers around the world, including more than half of the Fortune 10, SpyCloud is the leader in operationalizing Cybercrime Analytics to protect businesses.

We’re on a mission to make the internet a safer place by disrupting the criminal underground. Together with our customers, we aim to stop criminals from profiting off stolen data.

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