Check if your company’s data is on the darknet

Without visibility or insight into what is already out on the darkweb, organizations may be blind to the exposed data that puts them at greater risk for account takeover, fraud and what is even more prevalent these days, ransomware.

Only SpyCloud delivers these insights into the data criminals are after and gives the power of detection, prevention, remediation and automation back to teams through Cybercrime Analytics.

Cybercrime Analytics (C2A) is a new concept in the industry, but it has been a part of SpyCloud DNA since our founding in 2016. Taking the vast and varied data that SpyCloud recaptures from the darknet + the threat actor trends our experienced team of researchers observe, we deliver customers automated insights that prevent cyberattacks, protect their customers & bottom line from fraud losses, and investigate cybercrime incidents when they do occur – that’s Cybercrime Analytics.

Get a clearer picture on what criminals know about your business. Check if your company domain has data exposed on the darknet.

Find Out Your Darknet Exposure
See breach and malware exposures you may not know about:

How It Works


Enter your email address in the box above and select the “Check Your Exposure” button.


SpyCloud will check it against the data we constantly recapture from the criminal underground and deliver details about your company’s risk, as well as your personal and customer risk.


Get a custom report by email, where you’ll see your details unmasked – including malware-infected users, stolen cookies, and exposed PII.

Cybercrime Analytics Let You Outpace Threat Actors

SpyCloud tells you what cybercriminals know so you can take immediate action.

Darknet Data

With SpyCloud, you get more than surface-level data. We recapture data from the deepest layers of the darknet where freshly stolen, highly valuable data is traded so you know what criminals have obtained recently on your workforce.

Actually Actionable

SpyCloud gives you evidence of malware infections on your workforce’s managed and unmanaged devices, along with the exact stolen credentials and cookies so you can lock down vulnerable accounts and web sessions.

Automated Remediation

Stop cyberattacks without extra effort, with automated password resets through Active Directory, and integrations into your existing security tools.

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Protect your enterprise
from cyberattacks